1st ski
- Becoming familiar with the equipment and snow.
- Balance while sliding over smooth terrain on a gentle slope
- Snowplough turn.
- Controlling speed using a snaking trajectory.
- Using ski lifts.
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1st degree (1er degré)
- I have obtained 1st Ski level.
- I can snowplough turn.
Test :
- Basic downhill descent using snowplough turns.
- Basic traversing.
- Side slipping and sidestep uphill.
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2nd Degree (2ème degré)
- I have obtained 1st Degree level.
- I can link parallel turns, with down pressure and edging.
- Basic Godille (short fast turns).
Test :
- Downhill descent using basic parallel turns.
- Traversing.
- Use of down pressure through edging.
- Skating step.
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3rd Degree (3ÈME DEGRÉ)
- I have obtained 2nd Degree level.
- I descend using basic parallel turns.
- I accomplish both short and broad fast turns with control.
Test :
- Downhill descent using refined parallel turns.
- Perfect traverse technique.
- Broad and high-speed turns with correct vertical movement (crouch and extension).
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